Allright, so `yall know what Facebook is, okay, today I got invited to a reunion get together gathering to reunite all us kidz that used to hang out downtown when I was younger. Alot of people were/are invited and so far 20+ are planning on attending, 20+ more said maybe. For one thing, I had no idea we were so large a number. I figured 20-25 at most back in '94. Butt, I do recognize most of the people, and I'm pretty sure once we meet up, faces and names will start to click. I wanna show up all modded out on my Purple Vespa (to show everybody, of course)!! Whooo hooo!! I am so excited, I had to write a blog! We were talking foods, and I am bringing a case of the old PBR! "Horseshoe pits!", maybe sommbody else will bring some Hamm's!
It is great to talk to all those olde time kidz that used to hang out! Of course, alot have moved away, but I don't think I could've missed this for 11 worlds worth of treasure. I say, `ya jist never know. Wow!! I am so excited! My God did me a good turn with...
Posted at: 07:19 PM | 3 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Okay, so, the weather is nice, the air smells fresh, the flowers are starting to bloom, 'spring is in the air'! Let us look at all the possibilities.... Besides our country (USA) being economically a smear on the face of the rest of the planet, we have plenty of opportunities to have fun and create great memories for the year 2010! First, I need to get my scooter 'cleansed', then I am going to paint it, (it took me a few years or more to come up with the colors and pattern I am going to use), then I will take pictures and do scooterings, and if everything works okay we will have our famous "Salem Scooter-Bike Club Rally" in July. This time the theme is going to be "The 2010 Drunkards Rally" - this is really another excuse for me to ride a Vespa. [People might try to tell you that this is a 'middle-aged' man trying to boost his ego,.... half way right, but mostly, the more scooters that are involved and the more I feel that more scooters are involved]
To be completly honest with you, my P-Vespa is allmost running, if and when I do, I...
Posted at: 08:34 AM | 4 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink