Pacific Ocean pg2
Photo Gallery
The problem continues until it is 100% gone! These photos show a few of the problems, a few highlights, and water. I'm sorry, but it is too much for me, it makes me puke, so if the whole page isn't finished yet I apologize, it will be, and if it is finished "Whew!".
Sample Photo 1
Sample Photo 2
It `aint yer Daddys' style of fishing, eh?
Sample Photo 3
Sample Photo 4
Hey, okay, I gotta stop again, I'm getting a pukey feeling......
Sample Photo 5
Sample Photo 6
Sample Photo 7
Oceanic currents and tidal paths
Sample Photo 8
Sample Photo 9
I suppose it mostly starts out this ^ way, a person walking along a beach thinks "Oh my, that's terrible.", and then it jist never gets cleaned up and it floats away. YUK!
Sample Photo 10
Sample Photo 11
Up avove ^here is a research vessel that fits 40 guests and 25 crew. It is used and is selling for $8,000,000.00. A fishing trawler costs $300,000.00 up. SO WE HAVE TO DO SOME SERIOUS FUND RAISING IF WE ARE GOING TO START CLEANING THE OCEANS!
Sample Photo 12
Sample Photo 13
What we have to do is collect money legally and quickly and efficiently... AND ALOT OF IT !! Please, e-mail me at: with suggestions and pledges to donate money or skills. This notice is effective as of: July 24th, 2012