Some More Of Our Favorite Links -

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Links page II

Here are some moore really fun links :

 (did U remember 2 sign the 'guestbook' ?)

Cyber Sites :

Check it out!  >...butt be wary of con-jobs!

A leading local portal and transactions company that provides in-depth local content and services to help people "get things done" online.
Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!

ScooterHelp has alot of info about Vespas and Lambrettas......

Greenpeace, an envirometal 'watchdog' group.

Largest collection of free MP3s to play or download, free MP3 software
BabyCenter Store--content and quality products--You name it, we have it.

Below this is more sites that you would rather go to.... have fun

News 'commentary' on current events.

Everything you want to know about duding.  Alot to know about being a dude.  (not 'dud' butt 'dude')

With over half a million sites, divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.

Information in case you need it.

... I hope you have fun there!